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来源:互联网      时间:2023-02-18 14:56:49


1、The characteristics of e-books . Access and easy to carry through the Internet to download or small electronic devices will be able to have a lot of reading material. Easy retrieval and interactive e-books can be full-text search, authors and readers can interact through the Internet. Personalize needed custom e-book reader. Self-publishing possible. Easy to use hyperlinks to the characteristics of the network to obtain further information. Diversified, multi-media platform for reading more and more humanized, e-books has also shown the contents of multimedia audio-visual materials. The advantages of the Chinese e-books . Convenience, can search for content, change the font size and font. Large capacity, readily available online to download, without geographical restrictions, eliminating the trouble of commuting a hard time. To reduce the cost of books at low prices. Beautifully designed, flexible and diverse, with multimedia functions. Books required to save to save space. E-book to achieve zero inventory of products, global simultaneous release, purchase convenient。


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